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How to Calculate CFM of a Filter

How to Calculate CFM of a Filter

Calculating the CFM is a straightforward process that involves measuring the velocity of air volume. To do this, you need ...

Editors Picks

Are Pleated Air Filters the Best Choice for Your Home?

Are Pleated Air Filters the Best Choice for Your Home?

When it comes to air filtration, pleated filters are the clear choice for modern homes. They offer superior quality air...

How to Choose the Right 18x18x1 HVAC Furnace Air Filters

How to Choose the Right 18x18x1 HVAC Furnace Air Filters

18x18x1 HVAC Furnace Air FiltersThis explores the significance of indoor air quality and the advantages associated with...

Why Pleated Air Filters are the Best Choice for Your Home

Why Pleated Air Filters are the Best Choice for Your Home

When it comes to air filtration, pleated air filters are the best choice for your home. They offer a much higher level of ...

Everything You Need to Know About Fiberglass Filters

Everything You Need to Know About Fiberglass Filters

Fiberglass filters are made with spun glass enclosed in a cardboard frame. They are the lowest on the MERV scale, with...

What is a Pleated Air Filter and Why Should You Use It?

What is a Pleated Air Filter and Why Should You Use It?

A pleated filter is a type of air filter that is made up of different sizes and is designed to capture even the smallest...

How Long Do Pleated Air Filters Last? - An Expert's Guide

How Long Do Pleated Air Filters Last? - An Expert's Guide

When it comes to air filters, the general consensus is that they should be replaced every 90 days or 3 months. However,...